Monday, May 07, 2007

Watch out Orlando... they've arrived!

We got an email from Kelly at work this morning. They arrived in Orlando yesterday. They were driving down there, and had left here on Saturday. Apparently they stayed the night Saturday somewhere in South Carolina. She said the boys were fine on the trip, which I thought might be nerve-wracking for her and her husband with them being all hyped up about where they were going. I remember when I was a kid and we travelled down the west coast, where I lived, heading to Anaheim to Disneyland. There were three of us kids and we were so wound up about going, I'm sure we drove the adults crazy! But then of course these days there are DVDs and such to keep kids occupied while on the road. Anyway, Kelly said they were doing Disney World today. She was pretty stoked about seeing Mickey, since she has never been to Disney herself!

She said the place they were staying was really nice too. I don't know where they booked it through, but I know you can get some good deals on
Orlando vacation rentals, and rent a condo rather than a traditional hotel room. My sister did that the last time they went there, and she said they wouldn't do it any other way now when travelling with another family, where you can split the costs of accommodation.

So we're all waiting until Kelly gets back to hear about their trip and see their pictures. They're going to more attractions than anyone else I've known going to Florida. Energetic people they are! Myself though, give me a beach, a beach chair and some nice beverages and I'd be happy!


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