Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cha-ching! Aww, crap!

Unfortunately the Cha-ching is outgoing, and not incoming for me. Not a nice week I've had! My computer cacked on me this week. I thought it was Monday night, but I guess from looking at my last post, it was on Tuesday night. Whatever.

So here I am, back in black, since my system is black, scrambling to get all my email addresses and links back. What a nightmare this trip has been! And you know, I said it the last time my older puter died that I was going to be faithful and back up regularly to cd my stuff --pictures and crap like that. Yeah, I did it for a bit, but then I got lazy and well, what can I say, other than the burn hurts like hell! The worst of it, other than digital pictures that are long gone, never to have again, is trying to remember all those damned passwords and user names I have here and there. I'm never ever, ever going to have Windows remember my passwords again. I'm going to write them down in a book, the old fashioned way! Same with email addresses. So many people out there now that I have to wait until I hear from again before I get their address. Shit! I really don't think I like the new Windows Mail program that has replaced Outlook Express in Windows Vista. I suppose like anything else though, that I'll get used to it eventually, but what a PITA in the meantime! I had to actually call my server support to help me set up my addresses too, because I couldn't seem to get either one of them working.

One thing I do like about Vista is the gadget bar on the desktop. Is that traditional dial clock not the coolest thing ever?!! I love it! And I like the little post it notes too. That will come in handy when I'm adding new items to my
Funky Olive shop, for copying and pasting. Cool beans!

Oh, another thing that sucks too... I was working on a new look for my shop, and all that work is gone down the tubes too. That blows. It was almost ready too. I was going to match my new website,
The Funky Olive, that I haven't really done much with yet as well. Guess I'll have to start from scratch again. I don't have a choice, do I? Just a lot more work to do for me now.


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