Friday, February 16, 2007

Erica Kane? She's still kicking?

I remember while growing up my mother had three shows that she wouldn't miss. Hockey Night in Canada, (yes, she was a huge hockey fan) As The World Turns, and All My Children. I vividly remember her cussing out Erica Kane, played by Susan Lucci. Oh how she hated that bitch Erica! And being just a kid, I could never understand how she could hate this Erica lady so much. I mean she didn't even know her, and I always thought she was just a pretty lady!

Mom's been gone for 23 years now, and I have to wonder if she's up in heaven still cussing out Erica. Or if she's amazed at how long Susan Lucci has been staring on All My Children, and even more amazed at how breathtakingly beautiful she still is. It's kind of funny to think that I remember her playing that part when I was just a kid, and yet in my opinion she looks no older than me nowadays. I'd like to know her secrets for anti-aging!


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