Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Today I'm a celebrity!

Cool beans! When I went to the PayPerPost site to see if there were any blogging opps, especially those nice high paying ones for 1K Tuesday. When I was there, I noticed that my blog is the featured blog of the day! It's like I'm a celebrity or something, with my name in lights! Or like flavor of the day, employee of the month. Okay, we don't want to go that far, now do we?! Well, anyway, I'm going to enjoy my five minutes of fame here today. Thanks PPP! Anyone want an autograph? :-D



Natasha said...

Congrads on Making the blog of the day on PPP! I love that site and recommend it to everyone.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Olive! yup I want an autograph. :) Congrats! I've been BOD too before and I felt like floating.

Enjoy! :)

Lisa said...

Congrats Olive. You're the PPP star for the day. Nice blog here. Can we exchange link?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check out the ppp board to see if you are being talked about. Critiquing of the BOTD is a new trend there.